Saturday, June 12, 2004

"How would you like it if someone taped your funeral?" -Mom

It's 4:00 on a Saturday afternoon and what do I have to show for it?


Last night I decided to peel myself away from anxiously awaiting the arrival of RR's corpse to Simi Valley and go out with some friends. So i did what any other obsessed dead Pres fan would do! I taped his funeral! Isn't that sad? And a little wrong at the same time?

On to today...

I got up at 9 this morning to rush to a rummage sale in a nearby town. The line was absurd! No way was I waiting in that on an empty stomach! So I ditched being "the first one there" for a little corned beef hash.

Feeling a bit more refreshed at 11-ish, I head back over and pay the $2 to get in. Almost instantly I was swarmed into crowds and crowds of homely people, some of who reeked of BO like nobody's business! Anyway, that's not the moral of the story.....moral is:::: I got soooo aggravated I left without buying anything! What the hell!?

There were only a few nice things anyway that I really liked. Most of which were already sold anyway. Some girl picked up this darling polka-dotted dress I was mooning over and tried it on over her clothes right in front of me! I was happy to see it didn't zip, but was infuriated when she forced it to and it ripped! I felt my heart ripping out as I watched her! My face turned red and I'm sure if you looked close enough you would see cartoon smoke coming out my ears! I stomped my feet and clenched my fists as I walked over to the mounds of furniture recklessly piled ontop of each other. This was my next adventure. After chatting prices up and down with the 3 men working there (their names were Rick, Rick and Dick, respectively) I finally got flustered to the max and hightailed my cute little self right out of there!

Fork that.

So, I came home, took off my new shoes* and and plopped down on the couch for a little Queer Eye and A&E's biography of Bette Midler.

And I think that just about brings us up to speed here.


*I bought my 80th pair of shoes yesterday. They were orignally $80 and I got em on sale for $14! Life can be gooood sometimes. But alas, like most great shoes, they pinched my feet. So I just pinched 'em back and moved along!




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