Sunday, June 13, 2004

Rummaging with Anthony and Marissa: No one gets out alive.

As you may have already read, I went to a rummage sale yesterday and came home empty handed...

So allow me to update!

Today, BFF and I went back there on a mission. I had heard rumors floating about saying that today, the last day of the sale, was $5 anything you can carry out the door. So we went. BFF was looking for musical instruments, as he is the very finest pianist in town, and I just went along for shits and giggles.

Well---------------it turned into piles and boisterous laughter!

The place was nearly empty, except for some neglected glassware in the corner, and mounds upon mounds of clothes! There were racks and tables and hangers and boxes full!

We went through everything!

We both left an hour later with huge garbage bags filled to the brim....but that's not the best part! There's more!

We didn't have to pay!

Since we stayed and helped "close the place up" (according to Rick, Rick and Dick (and their other friend we'll call "Paul Simon lookalike")) no one even noticed that we dragged our bags right out of there to the car, without even paying!

No, I know what you are thinking, and we did not steal it, thankyouverymuch!

There was simply no one around to pay, even if we wanted to. And really, who would want to?!

BFF got some awesome suits and such, and I got a buttload of belts, some pants, some extra-wonderful pants, a skirt, a shirt, some boooots (hello 82! I bought 81 last night. That's 3 pairs of shoes in 2 days. I mean business.) a scarf, a puffy shirt (if you ever seen that episode of Seinfeld,) another shirt, a sweater, a vest, rollers (yes, that's right, I bought used rollers!) a garment bag (SO handy!), a glass dish, a sunglasses case and a jewelry box.

IT WAS ALL FREE. Unbelievable. But true!

Imagine what I would've came home with if all of the tables were still set up?! It would've been complete and utter insanity!

And, to top it all off, BFF gave me his old arm bands, which fit me as legwarmers! Oh, life is grand! La ti da di da! *HUGE SMILE*

In other news------

I am hungry and am going to get some food.

Have a lovely night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh crap.  I'm NEVER in the right place at the right time.  But sounds like you were.  Gotta love a bargain!

~~ Jennifer